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Finished Goods – Stock Management System

Finished goods are an essential component of inventory. Finished Goods indicates the final product manufactured. Generally, inventory management in any organization involves the management essentially of its three components, Raw Materials, assemblies or sub-assemblies, and the final products

Item Issue & Item Received in Inventory Management

This final product is prepared as the final outcome of the complete manufacturing process. Finished goods or the final product of one firm can be a raw material for the other. The final product is the one that is manufactured by the production department and is set ready for delivery to the next dealer or distributor or directly to the end consumer.


Information About Products

A well documented Finished Good form help reveals few important information like Product Name, code, Date of manufacture, Batch Production Number, the QA signature, etc.

Information About Products

Synchronization of All Information

Online management of Finished Goods inventory keep a synchronization about any information in the organization, like when the order is ready for dispatch to whom the product is to be delivered and by whom.

Synchronization of All Information

Ease in Scheduling & Upgradation

Since, Online management of Finished Goods inventory keep a synchronization about any information in the organization, thus overall work gets easily scheduled and information is upgraded.

Ease in Scheduling and Upgradation

Stock Level Check

An inventory management in any organization involves management essentially of its three components. Raw Materials, assemblies or sub assemblies, and the final products. Online inventory management helps you potentially identify stock level.

Stock Level Check

Close Eye on Every Details

Online inventory management also helps you track complete information of the product from a minor detail in hand. It helps to organization to maintain all required details.

Close Eye on Every Details

Manage Inventory Process

Online inventory management software help you avail all the comfort in effectively managing your inventory of finished goods and raw materials in a time effective way. With just small information, say machine number, you can track all the products manufactured out from that. Online software helps in accomplishing the defined tasks in a dedicated, well defined time frame.

Manage Inventory Process

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