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Latest Marketing Trends 2019

“The best marketing does not feel like marketing!”

Basically marketing is a business process of creating relationship and also enhancing the satisfaction of the customers. At present marketing is one of the most trending factors which helps to fuel the growth of your business. It is difficult to decide which marketing strategy works good for your business. The marketing strategies used in 2009 are not the same in 2019. There is a vast difference in the types of marketing trends and strategies which is being used in business firms. Different business firms follow different marketing strategies to create awareness, improve brand image and increase sales etc. 

There are varied Marketing trends which is being followed and implemented every year. 

Here are a few latest marketing trends of 2019 which will give you a better outlook- 

1. Utilizing Social Media for Positive Impact!

The domain of social networks sticks out as one of the most swiftly growing industries worldwide. Diverse social media platforms accessible on the internet regulate productive social media marketing. The incantation of a social media presence is remodeling the contemporary world, with some standout platforms:

  • Facebook – Facebook, the thriving champion of social media marketing, originated as a platform for individuals to reconnect, share pictures, and updates. Progressing into a business sector, it has become an imperative tool for marketing. Businesses leverage Facebook to encourage themselves, approaching a global audience daily. Such platforms provide cost-efficient marketing solutions with prompt results.
  • Instagram – Instagram, a relative newly developed in the social media family, has obtained a prominence in the market over the recent past five to six years. With over 800 million active monthly users, it has become a global platform to share and connect. Users consistently engage with the site, and businesses prosper as customers come to know about the products and services through Instagram. Its visual-centric nature contributes a dynamic dimension to marketing plannings.
  • Whatsapp – Containing a staggering 1.2 billion users, WhatsApp highlights it as a colossal marketing tool. Widely encouraged by users of all ages, it caters as a popular social media messaging app. For small businesses, WhatsApp demonstrates to be an imperative marketing tool, allowing customized messages, voice calls, and more. Its ubiquity makes it a productive channel to approach diverse audiences.
  • LinkedinEstablished as a professional marketing tool, LinkedIn serves foremostly to B2B businesses. It promotes engagement within a community of professionals, facilitating actions associated with business objectives. The platform regulates connections with like-minded professionals, enabling businesses to elevate their approach and influence within the professional sphere.
  • Twitter – Twitter, possessing approximately 255 million users, is a daunting online marketing tool. Encouraging marketers to associate with a global audience, it caters as a productive means to disseminate detail and occupy diverse communities. Its real-time nature and concise interaction format make it an imperative  asset for businesses gaining widespread visibility.
2. Personalized marketing

Every customer wants to be recognized and valued by the companies with whom they maintain a business relationship. Personalized marketing is the implementation of a strategy that delivers individualized content to recipients through data collection, analysis and the use of automated technology. By communicating with your prospects or customers as an individual you can connect more quickly. It not only helps to improve improve customer experience but also improves up-sell and cross-sell of products or services. 

The basic challenge of personalized marketing is to find the right and best technology which fits the present era and business trend. One of the right automated tools which not only fits the present trend but also ensures productivity is the use of an online CRM software. 

Customer Relationship Management software comes with automated features and functionalities that helps in business growth and customer satisfaction. The various functions of using online CRM for marketing automation are – 

3. Visual marketing 

You might have heard the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. It counts to be true on the visual marketing platform. The visual marketing uses pictures, graphics and videos to market a product or service. Due to visual marketing your customers tend to remember information for a long period of time without any confusion. 

Man is usually attracted to colourful data rather than just words. He/She prefers visual aids over just black and white writeups. Videos are one of the most preferred visual aids at present. YouTube is one of the most used apps with about a billion active users. It is the second largest search engine in the world. And that’s why it’s also one of the best marketing strategies for businesses. It is also a cost effective form of marketing that lets you to represent the brand and reach large number of people within seconds. 

4. Artificial intelligence 

Artificial intelligence is the growing prominence in the present business market. It helps to target and track potential leads, analyze data and increase work productivity. It also focuses on understanding consumer preferences in real time and also helps you to understand your competitors. 

5. Influencers have different identification 

Influencers are individuals who create high impact conversations with the potential target customers. Few years ago the influencers were celebrities but the present trend has changed from celebs to common people who have become influencers. These influencers are common people with large followings on web and social media. These influencers can connect easily to the common people and also help you to market your products or services easily.  

6. Best form of expression – Blogging 

Business blogging is the marketing trends which helps you to get more online visibility. Blogging is not just to put some content on the platform but the main purpose is to provide information and knowledge to a vast group of people. These blogs helps to form a two way communication where the audience are able to respond. By providing your unique thoughts and ideas to the audience you can enhance your brand identity. The various benefits of blogging for marketing are – 

  • Drives traffic for your business 
  • Helps to convert traffic into leads
  • Helps to establish authority 
  • Develops customer relationship 
  • Connect with a large group of people


Here are 6 latest marketing trends of marketing which is used by most of the business firms irrespective of the size of business. There are surely other marketing strategies in the market which help you to attract your customers and satisfy them. Businesses can’t afford to stop marketing their products or services because if you think stopping marketing can save you money, it may seem like stopping the watch to save time. 

Are you feeling left behind in marketing? or do you want to implement the latest marketing in your business? This blog will give you a better outlook on how you can plan your marketing strategies according to the latest  marketing trends in the market. You can also make use of marketing automation system in your business to make your work simpler and smarter. Investing on an automated software can also help you to gain enough profit and manage good customer relations. 

SalesBabu Online CRM Solution provides Marketing automation system which comes with amazing features and functionalities which enhances your marketing strategies and also remains trendy in the present era. Personalized messages, email and SMS campaigns can not go out of fashion or trend even in the future time period. These basic forms of marketing with the help of automated marketing can help you to generate more leads for sales and also maintain good relationship with customers. SalesBabu provides cloud based CRM software which comes with the latest trends of features that will suit your business process. It also helps you to align marketing and sales in your business through which you can enhance your business in the market. To know more about our features you can visit our website You can also request for a free demo.