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Cloud Based Sales CRM

In today’s world, many enterprises are grappling to find a solution, which can provide all kinds of new technology based solutions to keep their businesses running. Cloud based solution is the latest buzz word in the IT industry and rapidly changing or shaping up the economic and technological value of the businesses.

Understanding Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a rapidly changing technology that’s changing industries by using remote servers for the software tools you need. This technology is key to simplifying business processes and increasing productivity.

One of the biggest benefits of cloud computing is that it addresses the challenges faced by small to medium sized businesses (SMEs). Businesses with a large workforce and doing lots of transactions can benefit greatly from cloud based solutions. Cloud infrastructure allows you to integrate multiple applications with your existing software systems seamlessly, reducing complexity and automating workflow.

In a cloud environment, workload is distributed across a network of computers, so you don’t have to rely on individual end user devices. The cloud is the central hub, connecting all your machines through a interface where all applications run. Moving from local computing to cloud based computing increases scalability, performance and overall efficiency.

Cloud computing is also known as internet based technology is a service to the user. Businesses can access the resources offered by cloud service providers over the internet on demand, easy and flexible.

Today, cloud solution providers are building custom cloud based solutions for businesses across all industries. These solutions gives businesses agility, cost savings and collaboration, and sets them up for long term success.

Read our blog – Get Over your Cloud Security Concerns

An overview of Cloud Based Sales CRM

Cloud based sales CRM software is the solution making the businesses go systematic and their Sales process get streamlined. The data in the Sales CRM is stored, which can be seen and reviewed by the management in real time. Companies will experience through the cloud based best Sales CRM Tools available in India and benefited by implementing the same.

These kinds of cloud based sales CRM software will be helping to reduce the huge amount of investment of hardware and software done by the companies. Majority of the companies – small or large, they are looking out for Best Sales CRM Software, which can have an option to store their files, data, run the necessary applications through the remote servers and help them to access those related documents as and when required, with the help of an internet connection.  

Looking ahead by implementing the Business related solutions for the SME’s, Companies and other Businesses to run their sales process smoothly, Sales CRM software is playing an important role and cloud software solution providers are taking an initiative, providing an easy accessibility software solutions whenever, wherever access is needed.

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Feature of Online Sales CRM Software

Benefits of Cloud Based Sales CRM Application

Benefits by implementing the Cloud Based Sales CRM Application is to have a better knowledge of customers with whom the salesperson is interacting, leads and customers which are segmented better – region wise, product wise, source wise, stage wise. There will be a good retention of the customers as the day to day interactions with them is making them feel as a loyal customer and their queries and requirements are addressed well. As the interactions with the customers become stronger, there is a better anticipation and the needs are fulfilled. There is a speedier way of communications happening as there is a mobile app as a handy tool. Hence the communication cannot be missed out. 

How you are well looped with the teammates 

Team collaboration

Cloud based sales CRM software  is helping the teammates to be well connected through any device and can be accessed from anywhere, so that customers queries and addresses are well attended in time. After the office hours you aren’t stuck in the office for taking the customers requirement or follow up doing. With the help of the mobile app, wherever you are, updates of the lead enquiry requirement can be registered and notifications to the customers can be sent stating details will be following. Salesperson not missing important calls of the customers, who are concerned about the problem or breakdown faced by them, whom the salesperson wants to support in an emergency. They are able to coordinate with their support team and get the complaint registered on behalf of the valuable customer.

Save time and access important files 

Online Document Library

Through the cloud based CRM Software helps the employees get access to important files needed from the Sales CRM Software any time, any where, with the help of internet access. It is just an easy access way of working through the system and internet connection. Document library module is provided within Sales CRM. In this module you can upload knowledge based documents for the Sales or Service team, brochures, PDF, invoice copies, PO, Presentations, etc. Uploading the documents helping the team and can be accessed by any of the users whom the rights have been allowed.

Sales CRM App

Sales CRM App

Salespeople are on the field most of time, the perfect solution is a Sales CRM App. Salesperson is the right person to get an advantage of the app, wherein their productivity and benefits are observed. 

Few features which is helping Sales person as well as the company, 

  • Task completed – weekly, monthly
  • Tracking of the task assigned completion with the Google Maps – location, date & time, latitude and longitude details
  • SMS and email Integration
  • Site photos and other details alongwith the meeting done
  • Tracking sales cycles, get real-time updates 
  • Able to check the profiles and contacts of the leads before punching into the CRM. 
  • Create Instant meetings with the customers
  • Track the Accounts and prospective customers data for follow up

Save money on Infrastructure

 Online CRM saves money on Infrastructure

Companies are saving huge investments on servers, operating systems, applications, etc. Switching over to the cloud based Best Sales CRM Tools, companies will be paying a monthly or annual fee to the Sales CRM Software providers. Need not worry about the huge investments.  

Saving the IT administrators time and work 

Saving the IT Administrators Time and Work

An IT person is responsible for the daily basis tasks of server maintenance, which is his part of the role in his daily routine. Most of the companies have been using or procuring the on-site Sales CRM solutions, which means lots of infrastructure required and an IT person to look around the same. These kinds of loaded works can be avoided by implementing the Best Sales CRM Tools available. Cloud computing CRM Software is helping in the investment of huge infrastructure and an IT person for the maintenance by having less equipment in house like internet connection and BYOD – Laptop, Desktop, Mobile app, which will result in hassles free and less costs.

Read our blog – Three ways How Cloud CRM Software can take your Sales to next level

How the Cloud Based CRM been useful

Why does anyone want to invest in the Cloud CRM Software? Salespeople want access to their contacts for the follow ups, open their documents for references, sending email if it is integrated with the CRM for using the option to have their communications and preparing the sales forecasting with the help of sales funnel for their opportunities, which is possible through an online CRM tool.  This compatibility is the key for the Sales team productivity and effectiveness in doing the sales call. 

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Reasons to Choose Cloud-Based Sales CRM 

Ease of Use

It can not get easier than Cloud CRM usage. First, you purchase a software package at a fixed monthly price. All you need to do is log in with the access codes provided, and ensure that you have a reasonably fast Internet connection at all times and a device you prefer to work on. As to the system maintenance, it’s offered by the vendor and along with a wide range of self-service online services.

Reliable Operation

Nobody wants to imagine the possibility that a system that you depend on each day can crash, leaving you with a potential financial meltdown. With Cloud CRM such situations will never occur, as all parts of the Cloud are backed up. Meaning that each and every component, for instance, a server, has multiple replicas in the Cloud. So, if something fails, it will be instantly replaced and the system won’t get disrupted.

Affordable Product

Another benefit is that this business-enhancing product certainly will not break your bank. None of the businesses likes to allocate big sums of money for a one-off purchase, and smaller, regular installments are usually preferred. Typically Cloud CRM will operate on the pay-as-you-go subscription model, which requires the least upfront investment and, as a result, lessens risk. Also, there are no hidden costs such as buying additional hardware or license fees.

Conclusion :

Sales CRM India is providing Cloud based solutions. SalesBabu CRM uses Cloud Computing technology.  It provides secured data storage on cloud systems. The clients only require a computer with an internet connection to access the application. This greatly reduces user’s hardware, software burden and significant reduction in terms of financial and manpower to handle the application in the case of premise hosted solutions. It takes care of the required hardware, software requirements through our cloud based solution. This makes our clients concentrate only on streamlining their business through Best Sales CRM Software.