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Online CRM For Manufacturing Industry

CRM for Manufacturing Industry enables you to track your entire sales process, work orders and all the product dispatches. Manufacturing units always required a strong flow of communication within the all internal roots – sales, purchase, stock, account and logistics. Rottenly, it happens, any information does not flow to the floor, where it has to be, due to lack of communication channels or it used to get garbled. To resolve this Communication GAP, companies are going to take initiative and want to become a CRM enabled company. CRM for Manufacturing Industry is only standalone software, which can streamline the entire process of Production Information Capturing and synchronize entire Pre & Post Sales tires workflow and Work Orders in Manufacturing units.

Complex Challenges in manufacturing industry

  • Is it possible to do Automation of Communication within the entire business tires?
  • Can we forecast the customer demands & expectations?
  • Is it possible to increase product reliability in the market?
  • Can we evaluate the end-user’s mind of your product?
  • Is it possible to get automatic prediction on the sales and production funnel?
  • How do we know the exact production cost of goods?
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  • Streamline Sales Process: CRM enables you to reduce cost of sales operations, and streamline your both Pre & post sales process on a single screen, so that companies easily can have focus on their production floors and product quality.
  • Increase Production & Mange Customer Work order: CRM can track entire Work order Module, so that you can easily define the task priority on urgent basis, or you can set an automatic scheduler against the work order, which you have received from your customer’s and get initiative of smother product production chain facility.
  • Provide Best Customer Service: CRM enables the companies to maintain good relation with the customers. Manufacturing CRM also facilitates them to understand the exact requirement and its product quality via customer feedback. CRM enables the organizations to see the clear picture of their business and its market, which helps in better customer services and customer retention.

Advantages of SalesBabu CRM in the Manufacturing Industry

  • Automatic Demand Prediction: SalesBabu CRM encourages companies to receive automatic reminders and forecasting associated with customer demands for particular products they are serving. Such feature regulates effective scheduling of production floor workloads depending on the most demanded products across several product categories.
  • BOM and Sales Order Management: CRM allows organizations to productively maintain the Bill of Material (BOM) against defined work orders. Such can be done in advance or automatically through the definition of product masters along with their corresponding BOM, assuring a streamlined production procedure.
  • Customer Retention: SalesBabu CRM supports organizations in adding latest customers and retaining lost ones by delivering a 360-degree view of customer behavior and requirements. Such comprehensive analysis assists in customization strategies to catch up with the customer requirements, improving overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Enhanced Manufacturer’s Productivity: SalesBabu CRM improves the productivity of manufacturing units by simplifying and systematizing several processes. It delivers advance notifications on material availability, routing expense, and material consumption. Furthermore, it regulates monitoring material scrap, item substitution, and order closeout, further adding towards increased revenue and enhanced product quality.

In essence, SalesBabu CRM is dedicated to acknowledging operational challenges in the manufacturing industry, whether it includes discrete or process manufacturing. The platform accommodates the diverse requirements of manufacturers, irrespective of the manufacturing branch, embracing the value of streamlining processes to achieve optimal efficiency.

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CRM usage in Manufacturing Sector

CRM not only helps to address these bottlenecks but also adds more value to the table. Cloud-based CRM system now involves Sales Force Automation, Customer Support Automation and Marketing Automation components. The most important being the Sales Force Automation.

Features of Manufacturing CRM

Product Catalogue and Pricing

Long established CRM products facilitate the products and quotes module, whereby the company can put their comprehensive product catalogue in the system. Generally the product team or the head office can put it up and maintain it. Whenever a new product is launched or the price of product changes, the product catalogue is updated. All sales reps are trained on the online CRM system.

Quotation Management and Quote PDF

Based on the product and quantity information sales rep creates a sales quote. As the prospect’s interest level goes the quote can be altered to include new products or changes in the pricing. Since complete sales quotation is available for modification, price changes can be approved by management. The CRM system facilitates sending the pre-formatted quote to the customer either by a designed email template in the CRM or generating a PDF format quote. Once the PDF quote generated, it is attached in the email to the prospect.

Quotation Ownership

The process of using online CRM quotations ensures a uniform sales quote given by the salesperson across the organization. These quotations are accessible to the managers and more importantly, to the head office. If and when the sales rep leaves the organization, all the information remains intact within the system.

Mobile CRM

The sales team is distributed across geography in most of the manufacturing companies. When they are on the field, a CRM mobile app will be handy to them. Today, most of the online CRMs have a mobile app for handheld devices.

Customer Complaint Management

On the other side, if the customer is facing issues with their product or delivery or any other challenge, he can complain to the salesperson or support desk. Once the complaint is registered, it can be tracked by assigning ticket ids or case ids and maintaining all communication together. Complaints can be analyzed to deduce the problems and rectified. By avoiding future complaints the company gains goodwill from customers.

Integration with Backend

Mostly all online CRM systems come with integration capabilities. This helps in getting the product level inventory information to the CRM system. This way salesperson can confirm on the spot at the field about accepting an order as well as its delivery schedule.

Use of CRM in Manufacturing Industry

Accurate Demand Forecasting

This feature is extremely useful for firms that are operating in fast-changing industries such as high-tech, electronics, retail, etc. A Manufacturing CRM solution can help manufacturers cut the time required to develop a product from the concept phase to market delivery. Therefore, you do not need to invest in different manufacturing planning software. CRM will act as a unified platform and enable you to have accurate demand forecasting along with improved production information. By adapting faster and acting smarter, companies can get products to the market before their competitors and gain a competitive edge.

Enrichment of Customer Relationships

CRM in the manufacturing industry will prove to be a game-changer. Safe delivery of a product and after-sales services are very much important for a manufacturing company as closing a new deal. A Manufacturing CRM system will help you to keep track of any warranty, repair, or service issues and in managing day-to-day questions, inquiries, and service calls. This will result in a lesser number of delays and penalties and more follow-on sales.

Improved Product Quality

To stay in business, a manufacturing company should keep producing high-quality products regularly and efficiently. Substandard or defective products will strain the brand image and result in unhappy and unsatisfied customers, leading to a reduction in sales and revenue. With the best CRM for manufacturing, a company can gather and analyze data from multiple sources and figure out process errors in real-time that contribute to product defects.


In today’s competitive manufacturing world CRM plays a big role in process optimization, customer relationship and business growth. By implementing a full-fledged CRM like SalesBabu CRM manufacturing companies can streamline their operations, increase productivity and stay ahead of competition. With features like demand forecasting, work order management, customer retention strategies and seamless integration with backend systems CRM transforms the manufacturing landscape for a smarter future.